Sephora is one of my favorite places to shop for makeup, skincare, and other beauty products. They have an extensive range of brands and products, their shipping is so fast, and I always seem to leave with things I didn’t even know I needed. Since I almost exclusively buy all things beauty at Sephora, it […]

Sephora Beauty Insider Sale

sephora sale picks


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It’s no secret that babies need a lot of stuff but that doesn’t mean they need EVERYTHING. When I was a first-time mom, I was so overwhelmed with the products I need to register for and buy and in the end, I only used a small fraction of them.  Remember, parenting is all about trial […]

10 Baby Products We Use Daily

baby products


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The world is filled with people of all shades and our job as parents is to teach our children to accept everyone for who they are. One of my favorite ways to start the conversation? Books! Diverse children’s books show children of color that there are people that look like them in the world. Having […]

5 Children’s Books That Teach Kids About Black Heroes And History

childrens books diversity


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Whether you are a content creator, have a traditional 9-5, or work part-time, figuring out how to balance work and family life can be hard. Working from home on top of an already hard balancing act makes things even more difficult and for so long, I felt like I could barely keep my head above […]

5 Steps I Take To Balance Work And Family

managing work and mom life


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Hey friends! I’ve been slowly, but surely adjusting to life as a mom of two, and with that comes a little more time spent in the laundry room. I actually love our laundry room and how much space we have to work with, but things had definitely fallen a bit out of place while I […]

Laundry Room Refresh From Target

Laundry Room Refresh From Target


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