My WW Experience

Now that we’re finally in a groove with two kids under five (and we’re no longer in the trying to survive this stage), I have a little more flexibility with my days and have more time to focus on myself. And let me tell you… it feels so good! With this new life stage, I knew I wanted to focus more on my health and wellness since I’ve been neglecting both over the last few months. Enter: WW.

WW has helped me get back on track with my overall wellness journey and they make it easy to make healthier choices. If you’ve been thinking about giving WW a try, I truly cannot recommend it enough!

WW experience
healthy living tips

My WW Experience

No matter what your lifestyle looks like, the new WW program, PersonalPoints, makes it easy to make your health and wellness a priority. 

When it comes to wellness programs, it can be hard to find one that works for your lifestyle which is why I love the PersonalPoints program so much. Your plan is personalized to YOU which means no two plans are alike. You’re still able to do the things you love like going out to dinner and grabbing drinks with friends, or having an extra slice of cake at your kid’s birthday party, without feeling guilty. 

I loved that I felt in control of my wellness and the decisions I was making each day! With this flexibility and the ability to continue to enjoy the things I love, I never felt deprived or like certain foods were off limits. 

my experience with ww

The WW App

The app is easily accessible on the go and has so many incredible features that make balancing my wellness easy. 

My Favorite WW App Features

The WW app has so many great features from personal assessments and weekly check-ins to the PersonalPoints Engine and restaurant finder. 

PersonalPoints Engine

Once you sign up for WW and download the app, you’ll get access to the PersonalPoints Engine. This tool will answer ALL of your food and activity questions, creates your individual plan, and will provide you with a PersonalPoints Budget so you can tailor your food list to include all of your favorites. Having a food plan right on my phone makes it easier for me to make healthy decisions even on the busiest of days!

You can also tweak your plan at any time directly through the PersonalPoints engine, which is so convenient! 

Barcode Scanner

There’s nothing worse than having a search tool that doesn’t function properly, especially when it comes to finding food items and planning out your meals! Thankfully, the WW app has a barcode scanner that allows you to scan the barcode on your favorite foods. It’ll instantly pull up the item, provide you with nutritional information, PersonalPoints value, and more!

Restaurant Finder

Before starting WW, I would obsessively look through restaurant menus before deciding where to go to make sure they had good, healthy options that would keep me on track to reach my wellness goals. To be honest, it was an absolute pain and wasted so much time! 

The WW app has a restaurant finder feature built it that makes it easy to find your favorite foods at local restaurants! All you have to do is search for the restaurant by name or you can even filter by PersonalPoints value to make deciding where to eat even easier!

Why I Love WW

With WW, I no longer have to worry about what I should be eating, if I can have a “cheat” day and enjoy drinks with friends, or Google food questions that might come up. WW also has an incredible community of WW members that are so supportive! I now look forward to meal planning for the week and getting my body moving thanks to the PersonalPoints program. 

This post was sponsored by WW. As always, all opinions are 100% my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make Life with NitraaB possible!

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