Whether you are a content creator, have a traditional 9-5, or work part-time, figuring out how to balance work and family life can be hard. Working from home on top of an already hard balancing act makes things even more difficult and for so long, I felt like I could barely keep my head above water. Last year, I decided to change this. I was tired of the mom guilt, the not posting on Instagram every single day guilt, the work guilt.
Over the last year, I’ve made quite a few changes to help make balancing work and family life easier and let me tell you – it’s been game-changing. There are still plenty of days that it feels like nothing is going right, they just don’t happen as often and when they do happen, I feel ready to tackle the challenge.

5 Steps I Take to Balance Work and Family
Prioritize Non-Negotiables
Working moms can have it all – the job, the family, the social life, the time to relax. Being a mom is all about imbalance. Making a list of non-negotiables will make it easier to prioritize the things that are most important to you. I personally started with five, but if you’re stuck on what your non-negotiables are, start by outlining your short- and long-term personal and career goals. This will help you figure out what’s important and will allow you to prioritize your needs versus your wants.
Lean on Help
Asking for help is so hard, especially as a mom, but it’s necessary. Doing it all gets overwhelming, fast, and raising kids is no easy feat! Whether it’s a group of moms or co-workers that you lean on for advice or a family member that helps with the kids a few days a week, asking for help and guidance will help pave your way to success.

Have a Morning and Evening Routine
When I was working towards balancing my work and family life, the first thing I implemented was a morning and evening routine. Having these figured out made getting ready for the day and tackling dinner and bedtime so much easier.
Getting up before my kids and husband gives me some extra time to myself to drink my coffee, go through my to-do list, review our calendar for the day, and just relax before things get crazy. At night, I try to put my phone away at least an hour before bed (this doesn’t always happen) to read, watch a show, get a quick workout in, or spend time with my husband.
Reward Yourself
We all know that balancing work and family life is not easy and one of my favorite ways to congratulate myself for getting through the day (especially when no meltdowns happen!) is to reward myself. Whether it’s going out with friends for dinner, doing a face mask and having some me time before I start cooking dinner, or treating myself to my favorite treat while watching a movie, these little rewards keep me motivated.

Be Your Own Cheerleader
Being a working mom is no easy feat. We are the ones getting our kids ready for school, packing lunches, cleaning the house, doing drop-offs and pick-ups, and everything in between, all on top of our jobs. Being your own cheerleader is so important, especially on the days that nothing is going as planned. Reflect on your achievements, speak kindly to yourself, and show yourself grace.
How do you balance work and family life?
Soooo happy for you .. being a mom is hard but I love it ! I take at least 20 minutes in the hour for me .. but thank God for my partner ( fiancé) who has my back when I need it ..being a Team is all we need and some wine LOL
I’m new at balancing my life I just moved out with my boyfriend and we are building a life together and a future family as well . I work at home and when I get off I like to listen to my favorite music or watch a favorite show and I love to make wigs for me to wear that’s a great stress reliever for me
That lean on help one is the hardest one. It’s so easy to do it all but also easy to burn out quickly. I’m learning to lean on my help especially when they ask if I need it.
This was right on time for me. I have been struggling with balancing being a mom and working. Especially because I work from home. It feels like I am going non stop from the time I open my eyes until I close them. I’ve been trying routines but definitely want to implement waking up before the kids for some quiet time. I just watched your video on having a productive week and there were a ton of great takeaways there also. I love your YouTube and I’m looking forward to following your blog!
So happy to see you started your blog! Sending you love from AZ 🌵
Great blog Nitraa! You’re truly inspiring and I’m definitely excited for when the time comes for me to get married, start a family, decorate a beautiful home, and have wonderful memories with my own family! I still have goals to complete but everything is in God’s time and hands so hopefully I’m strong enough to handle it all!
Congratulations on your new blog. I enjoyed the article and I hope you enjoy the process of enlarging your territory.
Congratulations!!! So happy for you! May God continue to richly bless you!!
Happy Blog life💕 Being your own cheerleader is really a game changer💕
Im a SAHM, but it doesnt mean I dont need to balance my time, being a SAHM is already difficult for me, with the household chores plus taking care of the babies, helping them with their studies(homeschooling due to covid) sometime one whole day is not enough to do everything, but! You are amazing Nitraa, you work and take care of the babies at the same time! 💛💛💛
Congratulations in starting your Blog! 💛😘
I love you nitra! I have followed you and your beautiful family for years! I am a mom to a 2 yr. Old and 6 month old, and let me tell you my days are long! This post was soo inspiring! I will definitely be incorporating these steps! Thanks girl! 😘😘
I loved this so much Nitraa!! You are an amazing strategiest and writer when it comes to lifestyle. This is truly your calling. I love this!! Now we need a mom’s club next! I would love to see this personal, but profitable for you, happen. Take all of my money honey!! Love you sis!! Keep doing the darn thing! It’s only up from here!
Congratulations on your blog. Wishing you and family God’s continued blessings. I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us. Thank you for being so sharing of your time and family.
I’m so excited about the blog and happy for you!! I love to see how you manage being a wife, mom, & homemaker!! Keep being great! Much love,
I resonate with everything you said and this year we decided to make a huge change so I can thrive as a mom and still be in charge of my personal development. Anywho, thanks for the transparency and I’m so very proud of you.
I am learning how to balance but something that you said makes so much sense.. wake up earlier. It’s tough but it’s a sweet moment of peace and I can get things done so much quicker! I’m a FTM and I really need these reminders!
I love this blog!
I have a hard time asking for help. I’m usually the one everyone leans on so I always feel like I should have it together. But a lot of times I don’t 😩.
Congratulations on your blog. I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us. I pray for God’s richest blessings upon you and your beautiful family❤️!
Congratulations and I am so excited and happy for you to ❤️
Great Blog! I try my best to have at least one self care day a week! A full day to myself!
Wow needed to read this. I’m a first time working mom with a traveling work husband and sometimes I wonder if I’m all alone in this thank you
I’m so thankful for the encouragement lately I’ve been so tired & overwhelmed!!! I’ve learned to plan each day ahead so I can stay on track..I’m a content creator ,MUA , wife & mother of 3 boys.Thx again!!!
I was very uncomfortable asking for help as a mother. Actually I never ask for help but, now as a grandmother I realize how so important it’s to help my children have self time for themselves and be more available for them. And what an extra bonus to watch my grandkids grow.
This is inspiring and encouraging. Thank you for the tips! Single motherhood has been kicking my ass but am getting better at balancing it all
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