Laundry Room Refresh From Target

Laundry Room Refresh From Target

Hey friends! I’ve been slowly, but surely adjusting to life as a mom of two, and with that comes a little more time spent in the laundry room. I actually love our laundry room and how much space we have to work with, but things had definitely fallen a bit out of place while I was getting in the groove of things with Ezra. So, I headed out to Target to spruce up our space with a quick refresh.

Laundry Room Refresh From Target
Laundry Room Refresh From Target

A few baskets can change everything in a space! They really help to bring like items together in a way that looks less cluttered and throw together, and more thought out and purposeful. I used these white baskets inside the cabinets and these wire baskets on the countertop.

Laundry Room Refresh From Target

I also decanted what I could and put them into these glass jars. Now, listen…is this necessary? No. Does it make regular products look gorgeous sitting out on your counter? Absolutely! Again, it really just makes the space look less cluttered and more put together.

Laundry Room Refresh From Target
Laundry Room Refresh From Target

Lastly, I added this tray with some basic laundry room essentials. The smell of Colton’s dirty socks wasn’t really making the cut, so the diffuser was necessary. I also grabbed some different faux greenery to place around the room. Even if it is faux, it makes such a difference in bringing the room together.

It’s wild how a little sprucing up can bring a whole new life to your space. Which room should I refresh next?

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  1. Neeta says:

    I have major goals to get my laundry room organized when I move into our new home. Definitely will make doing laundry easier.

  2. Marilyn says:

    Beautiful clean space

  3. Char says:

    I absolutely love your laundry room! It’s so important to keep things organized and in order. Using the glass containers and basket is a great idea and pretty at the same time! Your blog looks amazing! Congratulations Nitraa!

  4. Regina Bailey says:

    Your organization is everything! I can’t wait to have my own washer and dryer along with a home! Organization makes everything better in many aspects of life! I’m definitely want to get my life organized better! I just wantva personal ironer and folder 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • Tymeisha says:

      Love that everything is so organized and has a home. I especially love that brown tray with the hand towels! Xoxo

  5. Kim says:

    Thanks for sharing a piece of your world. I’ve missed you!

  6. Shay says:

    I love your laundry room! Your entire house actually! I love that the design of your laundry room has a space & place for everything—like where you store the laundry baskets. You always have great tips and ideas that help me.

  7. Brittany says:

    So funny , I just cleaned out my laundry room .. I don’t mind washing clothes now … lol

  8. Brittney says:

    This is so nice! You’ve always inspired me to get more organized. I’m a newlywed now and you’ve definitely helped me a ton with organization and decor.

  9. I wish I had a laundry room, you did a great iob

  10. Saphira S says:

    Hey, Nitraa!!! I’m still juggling with my 4 month old and my 4 yrs old. I didn’t think laundry could be such a work out…

  11. Niya Smart says:

    I love how your laundry room turned out . Good idea with the diffuser never thought of that .

  12. Jennifer says:

    I cannot wait to be able to do this in my own space one day.

  13. Cherice says:

    I just wish my laundry room had that much space. Pray for me!

  14. Angelanne Gavina says:

    Laundry room goals!! Someday! 🙏🏼🙏🏼

  15. Letty says:

    I love your laundry room…. I’ve kinda…. added some things to my cart. 👀🤍

  16. Fridah says:

    Just lovely!