When I first started making YouTube videos (early 2010) it was simply a hobby. I taught myself how to edit my videos, I had no idea about the algorithm, and I definitely didn’t know you could potentially earn money from it. Over the years, I’ve not only improved my video content tenfold, but I’ve also been able to make content creation my full-time job and I could not be more thankful for the opportunity. After sharing this blog post a few weeks ago about becoming a full-time content creator, I’ve gotten a lot of questions about starting a YouTube channel. I figured it was time to write a post on it! Today, I’m diving into how to start a successful YouTube channel and some tips for making video content a little bit easier.
How To Start A Successful YouTube Channel
Invest in the Right Equipment
When it comes to creating video content, you don’t need a bunch of equipment to get started, which makes it more affordable to just START! There is really one piece of equipment you need, which is a camera. There are plenty of camera options out there for recording video content but I highly recommend a camera specifically designed for creating video content. These cameras typically feature a flip-out screen that can be used for self-recording, a wide-angle lens to capture more of the surroundings, good low-light performance, and image stabilization to minimize camera shake. I’ve been using this one for years and absolutely love it!
If you’re planning on creating vlog-style videos, I also recommend investing in a tripod and a car mount. Both will help make content creation on the go so much easier. For a tripod/hand grip, I’ve been using this one as it’s made specifically for the camera I make. Can’t recommend it enough! I also have this car mount for creating content when we’re in the car.
See more of my must-have tech for content creation here!
Get Familiar with Final Cut Pro X
Final Cut Pro X can be difficult to learn, but once you learn how to use it, editing your video content will be so much easier. This is the program I use, and have been using for years, and wouldn’t be anywhere without it! There are a lot of courses and programs out there to help you learn how to use the program, but I’ve always loved the tutorials straight from Apple and turning to YouTube tutorials for help. The program will also take some trial and error, but you’ll figure it out!
Determine Your Niche
When you’re creating content, no matter what platform it is on, only posting content in your niche will allow your brand to grow much faster. Before you start creating content for your YouTube channel, sit down and determine what your niche is. To figure this out, think about what types of content you want to share, what category (or categories) this content falls under, and stick to only sharing content within that category.

Have a Strategy
When you’re just getting started, this strategy doesn’t have to be anything crazy! It can literally just be knowing when you’re going to be posting so your audience knows when to expect new video content from you. I recommend starting posting a new video once a month! This will help you get into a video creation and editing flow and once it’s manageable you can always add additional videos into your schedule. Also use other platforms, such as Instagram, to build out your brand and promote your new video content to your audience.
Ask for Help
Creating content takes a lot of time and effort. At times, it can be frustrating but if it’s something you absolutely love doing, it’s all worth it. That being said, don’t be afraid to ask for help. At first, this might look like asking other creators in your niche for tips and advice or even asking a friend for help filming video content. As your brand begins to grow and you start taking on paid campaigns with brands, asking for help could look like hiring someone to edit your video content for you or hiring VA to manage admin tasks so you can focus on creating content.
Be Patient
It takes time to get views and subscribers on Youtube. I know we’re used to instant gratification, but this is definitely a platform that takes patience and consistency. Keep creating content, keep sharing your videos to other platforms, and your views and subscribers will start to grow.
Like this post? You’ll love this post on becoming a full-time content creator!
Great post!
Love this! So helpful and inspiring! I was DEFINITELY one of those inquiring for deets lol! Thank you for dropping these gems!