How to Become a Full-Time Content Creator

While content creation and the blogging industry have been around for over a decade now, it’s still such a new industry. Finding the information you need to succeed can be difficult but with over ten years of content creation under my belt, I’m here to share my tips and tricks so you can create your dream life, too. Today, we’re chatting about how to become a full-time content creator, which I’m SO excited about!

How to Become a Full-Time Content Creator

How to Become a Full-Time Content Creator

Whether you already are creating content and want to take it to the next level, or are just starting to create content, here is everything you’ll need to take your creative business full-time.

Decide What Platforms You Want to Utilize

There are so many platforms you can create content for, but just because they all exist, doesn’t mean you need to be on all of them. When deciding what platforms to utilize, consider where your target audience is. Being on Instagram is a no-brainer thanks to the digital age we live in, but also consider creating content for the following platforms:

  • YouTube
  • TikTok
  • Pinterest
  • Blog
  • LTK
tips for becoming an influencer

Niche Down & Be Consistent

One of the best things you can do to grow your following is to niche down and be consistent when it comes to posting. Niching down allows your audience to know what to expect from you when it comes to sharing content and being consistent lets them know when they can expect new content. Together, you’ll be able to grow your following so you can start working with brands.

Invest in the Right Gear

While you don’t have to have the most expensive gear on the market, it is important to invest in the gear that will help make content creation easier. Since I create both video content for my YouTube and Instagram, along with content for my blog, the gear I rely on the most includes this camera, this camera-mount microphone, and this tripod/ring light duo. Depending on what type of content you want to create and what your budget is, the gear you’ll need will vary. If you have a tight budget to start, the camera on the new iPhone’s is just as good as a DSLR camera. Start small and work your way up!

content creation tips

Determine How You’re Going to Make Money

The great thing about content creation is that there is no limit on how much money you can make from it! Start by determining how much you’ll need to make weekly/monthly in order to do it full-time and then from there, you’ll want to focus on continuing to build your brand. There are also so many different ways to make money as a content creator. A few you’ll want to consider include:

  • Sponsorships & Partner Campaigns – This will most likely be your biggest source of income as a content creator! Working with brands is such an exciting part of being a content creator and it’s a great opportunity to get paid for sharing the products you already use and love.
  • AdSense – You can utilize both YouTube and Google Adsense to add ads to your content. When users view/click on these ads, you’ll get a small commission. Doing this is also at no extra cost to you or your audience!
  • Affiliates – Utilizing affiliate platforms such as LTK or ShopStyle Collective to promote products you use and love with your audience and make a commission from the sales your audience makes. This, again, is at no extra cost to you or your audience! Amazon also has a great affiliate platform if you’re often finding sharing products from Amazon.
  • Products/Merch – This isn’t for every creator, but selling products and merch is a great way to not only make money but to also spread brand awareness.

Learn more about how I make money as a content crator in this post!

Treat Content Creation as a Business

For a lot of creatives, creating content starts as a hobby and then transitions into a full-time job over time. My biggest tip for those just starting off or thinking about starting is to always treat content creation as a business. Stick to a schedule, get a website and email address, set up your EIN, and register as an LLC. This will not only help you get into the right mindset but will make things easier down the road.

Like this post? You’ll love my full-time influencer Q&A!

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  1. Monique says:

    Hi Nitraa!! I absolutely love the tips that you gave, because I have a channel and a few subscribers, but I haven’t started making videos yet. I’m 39 years old with a family and I know I would love creating content and building a positive community! I have social media so I think that’s great! I just have to start.

  2. Abi says:

    Thanks Nitra. This is something I want to start taking seriously in 2023. Will be looking at your content and blogs for inspo

  3. Rose White says:

    I am so glad I clicked. I have just decided to become a content creator. This would help me so much. Thanks Nitraa!

  4. Marquasha Brown says:

    Would you ever callab with coming up influencers

  5. Jeannette Grant says:

    Ever since watching you years ago I’ve been wanting to start and I’m almost kicking myself in the butt for not doing it! Most of us don’t start because of fear and looking stupid because we don’t have the nice upgraded equipment or the money to do hauls or the home decor items to make things look esthetically pleasing. Even editing can get intimidating because all i have is a phone right now. Can editing work just on a phone?? But I think I’m just going to start and see where it takes me.

  6. Vinolia says:

    Thank you so much, this information really helped me a lot , I my self just started a YouTube channel ‘vinolia mhlanga ‘ is the name and this really helped a lot ,thank you and may God bless you and your family .🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦

  7. Shanae Scott says:

    Hey, Hey! This is my 2nd time coming back to this post and I get so excited and encouraged to keep going at my channel. I am Chicago Girl Southern Mom and recently, I started recording our journey of building our home, consistently for 3 months. My videos are doing really well and I think I have found my niche! After we move in I plan on going straight into interior design and upgrades. I really want to get sponsorships. I think that is my 1st goal. After reading this post, again LOL, I will definitely be trying to do all that I can to continue to get subscribers and be seen by brands I hope to partner with one day. Thanks for the content!

  8. Judelyne says:

    this is some great tips, I have been thinking on going back on creating contents, but was unsure where yo start since a lot as change. specially having 5 kids and running my spa but I really wanna create something different for my audience

  9. thelma black says:

    I am retired,and would love to do something like this to make some extra money.Because I am struggling now.Due to health problems I would like to work from.I watch all of your work when ever you post something.