Growing up, being told to make my bed was something I heard every day. Now that I’m an adult (and have a family of my own!), making my bed is something I do every day. It’s a small ritual that helps me start my day and makes our room feel clean. 5 Reasons to Make […]

5 Reasons To Make Your Bed Daily

5 reasons to make your bed


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I am a true believer that the way we spend our mornings sets the tone for how our day is going to go. This is exactly why it is so important to take advantage of the time you do have, implement good habits, and create a routine that works for you. Before becoming a mom, […]

My Morning Routine as a Working Mom

morning routine with kids


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Father’s Day is just a few days away and typically, I leave my shopping until the last minute but this year I was on top of things! I always feel like the best version of myself when I don’t wait until the last minute to get shopping done but this can be very rare. Especially […]

Last-Minute Father’s Day Gift Guide

last minute father's day gift ideas


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One of my least favorite responsibilities as a mom is doing laundry. There, I said it. It’s crazy how much clothing two small humans go through and as a busy mama, it can be so time-consuming to get laundry done. Between the actual process of washing clothes and making sure stains are treated, to folding […]

5 Laundry Tips & Hacks for Busy Moms

laundry room inspo


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Now that we’re finally in a groove with two kids under five (and we’re no longer in the trying to survive this stage), I have a little more flexibility with my days and have more time to focus on myself. And let me tell you… it feels so good! With this new life stage, I […]

My WW Experience

WW review


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It has been over 10 years since I started creating content, starting with my YouTube channel and Instagram, and now this blog! I’ve definitely learned a thing or two about the industry but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t take years to figure out. This industry is SO new and when I started, […]

5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Becoming A Content Creator

content creating lessons


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One of the best parts of being a parent is being able to experience the holidays through your child’s eyes. But that doesn’t mean the time leading up to the holidays is a walk in the park, especially when it comes to getting gifts and creating the magic. Moms are the center of it all! […]

The Best Easter Basket Ideas for Little Boys

quick and easy easter basket


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