Our After-School Routine with Noggin

Since being at school is so new to Uriah, he’s usually excited and talkative when he gets home, which I love, but I have a feeling that it won’t last forever so we’ve been working on incorporating an after-school routine into our daily schedules. Doing this has been a lifesaver! It really helps him transition to being home after a long day at school and helps him wind down.

Since Noggin is one of Uriah’s favorite activities, we decided to incorporate it into his after-school routine since he’s used to it. And even though the app is filled with games, it’s all educational!

Our After-School Routine with Noggin
Noggin Learning Review
Noggin After School

Our After-School Routine with Noggin

Once Uriah is home, his things are put away, and he’s had a snack, he’ll usually sit down and play interactive, educational games with Noggin on his iPad for a little bit. I love that he continues to learn even after school but in a way that’s fun for him. Plus, it gives me time to straighten up his things and start thinking about his snacks and lunch for the next day.

Learning Opportunities with Noggin

The interactive learning app by Nick Jr. allows Uriah to play fun games that feature his favorite characters and watch his favorite Nick Jr. shows without apps.

One of his favorite games is Stop and Go Karts which is an interactive learning fun with Peppa, Rubble, and other Noggin friends. This game helps your child practice patience and rev up their focus and self-control skills!

Spooky Spelling is another fav! This games helps your child learn how to spell specific words. Children in school learn to spell some words through the use of phonics. Some common words are ‘tricky’ and children need to learn them by heart.

I love that the games help him build skills and nurture his creativity. He’s been learning so many new concepts outside of the classroom when it comes to his social skills and communicating his emotions. This makes such an impact on being in a new classroom!

Before starting kindergarten, we were working with Uriah to prepare for being in school full-time. I genuinely think that incorporating Noggin into our routine prepared him for the classroom! He’s so confident and is even more excited to learn new things.

Noggin Review

Developed by Educators

I try to limit the boys’ screen time as much as possible (don’t we all!) but I never feel guilty letting Uriah play on Noggin because it was developed by early childhood educators. This helps me feel SO confident in what he’s doing on the app and less guilty for allowing him to be on it, even after school.

Other Activities to Incorporate into Your After-School Routine

Are you looking for some more activities to incorporate into your after-school routine? Here are some ideas!

  • Play outside
  • Have a snack
  • Unpack backpack/lunch box/put shoes/coat away
  • Do homework
  • Quiet time
  • Sensory bin or sandbox play
  • Clean up bedroom

Thank you to Noggin for sponsoring this blog post! As always, all opinions are 100% my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make Life with NitraaB possible!

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