One of my favorite parts of the holiday season (other than decorating and spending time with family is gift-giving. There’s something so special about finding the perfect gift for a loved one and watching them open it. I guess you could say gift-giving is one of my love languages! Whether you’re getting ready to wrap […]

How to Wrap Gifts Like a Pro

how to wrap gifts like a pro


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Ezra is officially a year old and my mommy heart can barely handle it! This past year has gone by so fast and it’s been so fun seeing Ezra’s personality come out. He’s such a curious and happy baby and even though I love the baby stage, it’s going to be fun experiencing this new […]

The Very Hungry Caterpillar First Birthday Party

smash cake 1st birthday


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I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately on Instagram and here on the blog about my journey to being a full-time influencer/content creator so I thought it would be fun to share a little bit more about it with a classic Q&A! From getting started to hiring a team, and everything in between, I […]

Full-Time Influencer Q&A

Full-Time Influencer Q&A


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We are getting to that point in the season where you need a jacket in the morning, but are sweating by noon. No complaints here though because that just means that the real fall weather is on the way. Ever since Uriah started kindergarten I have been really into wearing two-piece sets. I have one […]

The Simplest Set For Fall

Two-Piece Set for Fall


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Fall is officially here which means that Uriah is in school, I’ve started decorating for fall, and I’m indulging in all things cozy. Cozy blankets, cozy sweaters, and cozy meals. And with this time of year always being on the busier side, crockpot dinners are usually my go-to. They’re easy and delicious! One of my […]

White Chicken Chili Recipe

easy white chicken chili recipe


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Once fall rolls around, one of my absolute favorite things to do is make potpourri on the stovetop. It’s such a great way to add fragrance to your home and it smells better than any candle or air freshener. The best part is that you can add in any seasonal ingredients to differentiate it from […]

Stovetop Potpourri Recipe

stovetop potpourri


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Fall is officially here and if I told you I hadn’t been counting down the minutes until autumn arrived, I’d be lying. Give me all of the pumpkin spice lattes, chunky sweaters, and cozy candles. And with all of the fall decor lines launched at all of my favorite retailers, I couldn’t resist stocking up […]

Living Room Fall Decor

budget friendly fall decor


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As someone that loves a clean home and keeping things as organized as possible, I knew having a separate space for the boys to be messy, keep their toys in, and play with friends was absolutely necessary when we were looking for a new home. Fast forward through the home buying process, we are so […]

Playroom Tour + Storage Solutions

neutral playroom inspiration


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Labor Day has come and gone and the first day of fall is just next week. Can you believe it?! Between Uriah turning 5 and starting kindergarten to Ezra turning one in just a few weeks, I feel like this year has flown by! And while I wish we could slow down time just a […]

Petal And Pup Fall Transition Dresses

floral mini dress


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Since being at school is so new to Uriah, he’s usually excited and talkative when he gets home, which I love, but I have a feeling that it won’t last forever so we’ve been working on incorporating an after-school routine into our daily schedules. Doing this has been a lifesaver! It really helps him transition […]

Our After-School Routine with Noggin

Nogging Learning App Review


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