The Unexpected Joy: Pregnant With Baby #3

expecting a baby

The secret is out, and it’s official: we are expecting our third baby! When I found out I was pregnant with baby number 3, my initial emotions were a mix of excitement, anxiety, and even a touch of fear. I wanted to share my thoughts and experiences with all of you, as I believe so many mom’s (and parents) can relate to these feelings of uncertainty and the challenges that come with expanding their family.

new baby announcement
pregnancy announcement to family

The Unexpected Twist:

When I found out I was pregnant with baby number 3 life was working out according to my plan. Thriving marriage , (we recently celebrated 10 years) a happy almost first-grader, and a second child who keeps us on our toes (we lovingly call him our “no limit soldier”😂😂) We had given away most of our baby items, (I’m talking everything from our Doona stroller to our snoo bassinet.) Just a year earlier, an also unexpected pregnancy had sadly resulted in a miscarriage. At that point, we had firmly believed our family was complete with two children. However, during our getaway for our 10-year anniversary, a little too much fun led to the conception of our sweet baby bean.

pregnancy announcement
pregnancy announcement online

Facing Fear and Embracing Faith:

About two weeks after we returned from our anniversary trip I noticed my period was late (which never happens… my cycles are usually like clockwork) I knew something was up! I took a test and pregnant popped up immediately! Of course at first Colton thought I was joking. He thought it was a test I saved from Ezra… but nope I was indeed pregnant. 

Upon discovering the unexpected news, fear crept into my thoughts. I questioned how we would handle the demands and responsibilities of parenting three children. Parenting is a journey filled with so much joy, and it also comes with hard work and dedication. While the joys and rewards of raising children are abundant, it’s essential to acknowledge the challenges that come along with the incredible privilege of being a parent.

After the initial fear, I reminded myself that fear is not from God. I sought solace in prayer, seeking peace and understanding. I found comfort in the belief that babies are a true blessing, and my worries gradually transformed into excitement. (Which doesn’t take away from the hard work and dedication that comes to raising children, but I know that God provides us with everything we need)

Discovering the Strength Within:

This new journey has definitely taken some time to process, I am genuinely excited about this new chapter in our lives. I have come to understand that God will not give us more than we can handle, and with faith, love, and support, we will navigate the challenges of having three kids. It’s incredible how we often find strength within ourselves when faced with unexpected situations.

Thank you all for your support over the years! 

Having a baby number three may not have been part of the original plan, but it’s a joyful surprise that we are embracing with open hearts. The mix of emotions we experienced—initial anxiety, fear, and ultimately, excitement—remind us of the strength and resilience we possess as parents. So let’s journey together, supporting one another, and trusting in the blessings that come our way. Remember, God will never give you more than you can handle.

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28

If you loved this post, check out the full pregnancy announcement video!

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  1. Porsha says:

    Congratulations!! Love you , and everything you do , may God continue to bless you ❤️.

  2. Tessa Rands says:

    I am so excited for you guys I’ve been here since before Uriah was even thought of. Yes you could call me an oldie but a goodie 🙂 Congratulations and heres to a rainbow after the storm. God is with you and your family. Bless you all. From Winnipeg Manitoba Canada 🥰

  3. Mzz Kendra says:

    That was a wonderful surprise!!! I would have never expected this. I am so happy for you and your beautiful family. I hope it’s a girl this time. Fingers crossed!

  4. Joia A. says:

    Again I am so happy for you! Congratulations!

  5. Tiffani Price says:

    How amazing Nitraa! I love how your faith as become such a forefront now more than ever and you inspire me. Like I’m going to be 32 this year with no kids, no prospects of marriage and sometimes I wish I could have the life that is what you have but God has a plan and purpose for us all in His perfect perfect timing.

    I’ve been following you for years and years and years probably before you and Colten got married; I remember a YouTube video of you in your bedroom doing your makeup for your birthday! WOW time has flown but I’ve been enjoying your life journey!

    Since this is your last child, what are you doing to prevent any more births? I’m just curious and if that’s tmi, no worries haha! 😉

  6. Kiara Thomas says:

    You always talk about how we make plans and God laughs. May God continue to bless you and your family. I’m so thankful to watch this journey.

  7. TiAnna Arrington says:

    Congratulations! I am so happy for you guys!

  8. Tierra Crooms says:

    Congratulations to the growing family!! Excited for the future 🥳

  9. Leanna figaro says:

    I’m beyond excited for your guys hope it’s a little girl u guys deserve it either way team healthy…

  10. Nicole says:

    I’m new to your website, but reading your thoughts and perspectives are rewarding.